

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Box Office Review - April 11, 2009

WEEKEND TOP 5 STUDIO ESTIMATES, APRIL 10-12, 2009 Rank. Movie Title.  Weekend Gross | Theaters | Total Gross | Week #

1. Hannah Montana The Movie - $34.0 million | 3,118 | $34.0 million | 1

2. Fast and Furious - $28.8 million | 3,472 | $118.0 million | 2

3. Monsters Vs. Aliens - $22.6 million | 4,136 | $141.0 million | 3

4. Observe and Report - $11.1 million | 2,727 | $11.1 million | 1

5. Knowing - $6.7 million | 2,925 | $68.0 million | 4

Source: boxofficemojo.com

Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus got together and made a No. 1 movie. That's how easy it is. And it just beat out Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour, which made $31 million its opening weekend, but it was also playing at a smaller number of screens.

Observe and Report is not going to beat Paul Blart: Mall Cop at the box office, but it did OK considering it's a dark comedy with only an $18 million budget.

Look for 17 Again with Zac Efron and Matthew Perry to dominate next week.

Mark Wahlberg and James Franco join Date Night

Michael Sheen to be in New Moon