The Scorecard Review

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TSR Buzz: Michael J. Fox has fun with Larry David, Beirut gets tragic and Ron Livingston needs to work

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • I rarely watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, I find the awkwardness excruciating. But it's great in small doses. Michael J. Fox has had enough of Larry.


  • Beirut's new video for "Santa Fe" is horribly sad. It's also kind of funny. First the girlfriend, then the dog? And the dog's so cute!


  • My new favorite website is Pinterest. I can find things I like anywhere on the internet and add it to my online bulletin board. I'm using it to help me decide how I want to fix up my house.
  • Someone really needs to find Ron Livingston a job. He has too much time on his hands.
