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TSR Buzz: Paul Rudd and Harvey Weinstein promote 'Our Idiot Brother,' Jason Alexander's Netflix charity

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • Saturday marked the bitter finale of a great talk show that went down at Chicago's Second City theater, "The Late Live Show with Joe Kwaczala." Running for three seasons, the homemade talk show used skits and local celebrities to crack up audiences in a way without resorting to topically named sketch troupes (as Second City apparently does). While "The Late Live Show" is now on a hiatus as it searches for a new home, it will live on forever in this collection of every joke they ever made about Val Kilmer.


  • Paul Rudd is in Our Idiot Brother, a new comedy that comes out this Friday. Like other funny guys promoting summer movies before him, (Steve Carell), he made a "Funny or Die" video to sneakily say his movie title over and over. While the Carell "poster" video was pretty funny, this is even better. Harvey Weinstein is a good sport for appearing, but I wouldn't give him a part in Dinner for Schmucks 2 just yet.

Paul Rudd Pitches Harvey Weinstein from Paul Rudd
  • Boy golly, I bet Errol Morris sure wishes Harvey Weinstein had that same sense of humor when he made The Thin Blue Line! Check out this golden oldie of King Harvey ripping up Morris for not being a flashy billboard for his now classic documentary. Makes me think of how the interviews I have with certain film people go - would Harvey be ashamed, bored, even inspired to write them a**hole letters like this?

Harvey Weinstein is bored by Errol Morris

  • To my knowledge, Megan didn't post this hilarious "Funny or Die" video yet, though it's at least a couple weeks old. But, Jason Alexander is right. The hiking of Netflix prices is definitely the worst thing to ever happen to white people.

Netflix Relief Fund with Jason Alexander from Jason Alexander
  • I once heard a girl say that she'd never seen Star Wars. Well, this video isn't for her, as its alt-pop rockers OK Go performing a pivotal scene from A New Hope. And yes, like everything in life, it is available to watch in 3D.


  • I've name-dropped Youtuber "TroubleClef" before, and am going to do so again now, with good reason. Here is the Steven Spielberg-look-alike's rendition of Frankie Valli's "I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You," which is bound to calm down your busy day, make you think of someone special, or remind that you Zooey Deschanel has a new TV show coming out next month.
