The Scorecard Review

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TSR Buzz: Upstaging Lady Gaga, LCD Soundsystem Retires, and Portlandia Goes Electric

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • Like Nick, I have the post-Grammy fever. Arcade Fire's win was so well-earned, it's one of those award show moments where you really feel that what happened was right (another such victory in my mind was American Beauty's win at the Oscars.) Here, Arcade Fire performs an electric version of "Ready To Start" after winning their Grammy.

  • Lady Gaga disappointed me on Sunday. Her "costume" resembled a bikini raincoat and the egg looked cool, but wasn't very functional. Plus her song sounded exactly like Madonna's "Express Yourself". I was hoping that Her Madgesty would jump out and join in the performance, but oh well. Fever Ray's Karin Andersson won an award at a Swedish music awards show back in June. This is more of what I was expecting from Lady Gaga.


  • One of my favorite bands released a new album this week.The Greg Dulli led Twilight Singers put out Dynamite Steps on Tuesday.Here's their latest single, "On The Corner".


  • Distressing news! James Murphy has decided to retire and stop recording and touring as LCD Soundsystem. He talked about this on Monday night's Colbert Report. Below is a clip of the band performing "I Can Change" on the show. Possibly for the last time?

  • This week's Portlandia features several Portland musicians and a running story line about a music festival. The clip below has James Mercer of the Shins and Broken Bells, Colin Meloy of the Decemberists and Corin Tucker previously of Sleater-Kinney and current leader of the Corin Tucker Band. It's pretty funny, especially if you imagine that the hotel is The Jupiter Hotel.