

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

'Rango' starring Johnny Depp and Isla Fisher - trailer review

Rango Directed by: Gore Verbinski Starring: Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin Rating: NR Release Date: March 4, 2011


Read Jeff Bayer's 'Rango' Scorecard Review - 9/10

MY THOUGHTS: I've heard a lot of buzz around this teaser or trailer or whatever it is, but from what I'm seeing, it's difficult to understand the hype. By the end of the trailer, it was filed away in my mind as one of the many other charmless CGI releases to avoid at the theaters in the coming year. What's really too bad is that this role could have been a good one. You don't get an idea like a chameleon having an identity crisis very often and I think if anyone could have delivered the goods on this idea, it would have been Depp. Instead, we're slapped in the face with, what sounds like a knock-off version of Kermit the Frog. It didn't work for Kermit and company and it's no surprise that it doesn't work in Rango. The rest of the mess of a trailer is an attempt at continuing the story of this chameleon in the desert trying to avoid being eaten by a bird, as well as images from other parts of the movie in a weird jumble. The only thing that could make this worse? Abigail Breslin's accent. It's clearly her and it's awfulness can't be described in full detail. Needless to say for the rest of the trailer between Breslin and the heinously stereotypical Mexican music, the idea of taking cheese graters to my ears just to make it stop did cross my mind. Still, there were a very few parts that made me chuckle to myself and although the trailer is a mess, they succeeded in making me want to figure out the context of these clips, just not anytime soon.

Flicks on 6 - Bayer interviews Robert Pattinson from 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'

Flicks on 6 - Bayer's interview with Taylor Lautner from 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'