

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

'Jonah Hex' starring Josh Brolin and Megan Fox - trailer review

Jonah Hex Directed by: Jimmy Hayward Starring: Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox Rating: NR Release Date: June 18, 2010


MY THOUGHTS: Well, summertime’s coming and that, of course, means another comic book movie to tide us over till Nolan’s third Batman project in 2012. One of the big numbers this summer is Jonah Hex and after seeing the trailer, it isn’t hard to see why. Everyone knows the formula for your basic comic book character (tragic backstory + quest for vengeance = most comic book heroes) and this movie is certainly no different. In fact, they get all of that out of the way within the first 30 seconds. What’s left to see is where they go AFTER the origin. Jonah Hex, the character at least, is pretty beloved by most comic book fans so Hayward’s got his hands full with this adaptation. Of course, it doesn’t matter that much, he’s got a pretty much guaranteed hit on his hands judging from the trailer. Just make sure you’ve got plenty of guns and Megan Fox’s heaving bosom and you’re pretty much set. That’s not me knocking it. I mean, it looks entertaining enough to warrant a visit to the theater, but I’d be willing to bet, it pretty much draws the line at fun and entertaining and doesn't approach "classic," so I say go ahead and enjoy the trailer for what it is.

TOP 7 Superhero Sequel Seconds (an ode to 'Iron Man 2')

'Buried' starring Ryan Reynolds - teaser trailer review