

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

TSR Buzz: Steve Carell wants a big head, that song from the 'Terri' trailer, young Ryan Gosling sings

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • Steve Carell stars in this funny promotion for Crazy, Stupid, Love., and demands that his head be the biggest one on the poster. This video finally makes sense of why his head was indeed so big on the 40-Year-Old Virgin poster.

  • Comic-Con happened last week, to the delight of movie buzz-buffs and franchise geeks alike. Instead of getting into who appeared and who said what about what, let's just observe the attendees of Comic-Con, as interviewed by clueless character Yeshmin Blechin (Greg Benson of MediocreFilms).


  • Last week I reviewed Terri, an underwhelming film, but nonetheless one with a sweet song featured in the credits. The tune by Henry Wolfe, "Someone Else," can also be heard in the movie's trailer. Brit Marling, who is possibly on her way to being the next Greta Gerwig with her appearance in Another Earth, stars in the music video made by Terri director Azazel Jacobs.


  • Before The Notebook or even this week's Crazy, Stupid, Love., Ryan Gosling's always been a lady killer. Here's a video of Gosling crooning in the Mickey Mouse Club, joined by Justin Timberlake (who just had a movie out last week) and two others. With the silly outfits (big pajamas?) and the fact that this might be the worst R&B song ever sung by little kids, this is a special pop moment. Plus, mini-Gosling looks nearly identical to how he does now. And just think, about six years after this performance, Gosling played a Jewish neo-Nazi in the under-appreciated The Believer. RG starts slamming on your heart-strings around the 1:30 mark.


New this Week: 'Cowboys & Aliens,' 'The Smurfs' and 'Source Code (DVD)'

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night - Blu-ray review