

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

TSR Buzz: Ignoring Robert De Niro, Black Swan card, Name that Movie, Coldplay's Christmas

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • "Saturday Night Live" hasn't been good this year. I've watched forever. I watch the entire thing then bring my wife into the room for things she "has to see." I think I've only done that twice this season. The only thing redeeming this year is the new cast, but they really aren't giving them much to do. Robert De Niro was on last week and he's known for being one of the worst at reading cue cards. Nothing happened on Saturday to change that. Here's the best sketch of the week (which I think will be a new running segment on my Thursday TSR Buzz posting). Ben Stiller shows up. That's something, I guess.

  • Slightly inappropriate, but totally accurate. Here's a card you can send to all of your friends that quickly sums up Black Swan. As you'll see with my review of the film tomorrow, I highly recommend it.

someecards.com - Black Swan may be the most critically acclaimed movie I masturbate to all year

  • Brian Leaf has made some educational books that simply aren't for me (having to do with the Twilight Series). He's heading in the right direction with Name That Movie! A Painless Vocabulary Builder: Comedy and Action Edition: Watch Movies and Ace the SAT, ACT, GED and GRE!. Here's what the New York Times had to say...

"Leaf, a genius at connecting with teenagers, meets students at their level and spikes every drill with common sense and comedy. I especially loved the Superbad Vocabulary section – not your usual stuffy approach to language deficit disorder. Guaranteed to relax and engage the most reluctant (or panicked) student.” Rebecca Pepper Sinkler, former Editor The New York Times Book Review

It almost makes me want to take the ACT again ... almost.

  • I can't stop trying to find new Christmas music. I eat it up. Coldplay has a new song out that's worth a listen. Here's "Christmas Lights" by Coldplay.


Box Office Challenge: 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader' 'The Tourist' and 'Phillip Morris'

TSR Buzz: How 'Inception' Stacks Up, Louis CK on Race, and The Book of Mormon With Jazz Hands!