

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

TSR Buzz - Christopher Nolan's 'Following,' Ralph Macchio, and ice cream

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more. We have a new addition to TSR. It's Jake. And he will be bring us Jake's Takes. Later today we'll have his interview with Angelina Jolie talking about Salt. We already have his interviews with Tom Cruise, Liam Neeson, Jaden Smith, Robert Pattinson and Nic Cage. You can find them all here.

We're expanding your horizons here at TSR. Did you know bananas + milk = ice cream? It's true. It's also very easy. I tried this recipe last night and it totally worked. I finally have a reason to use that food processor we got for getting married. Check out the recipe here.

How about a history lesson? Wait, do go. It's a history lesson on the f-word.

Ralph Macchio (the original Karate Kid) does a commercial for Reebok's new Runtone (no more chicken legs). It's not like other commercials.


I love Christopher Nolan's Inception. You love it too. But we've seen it enough. We need something more. Sure we could go back and rewatch Memento. But here's something that you haven't seen. Follwoing is Nolan's earlier early work. You can now Instant View on Netflix.  Here's the trailer.


Finally, "Seinfeld" the movie is coming. Almost.



August 2010 Portland Rooftop Cinema Schedule