

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Jake's Takes: 'The Social Network' interviews with Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, Armie Hammer and Aaron Sorkin

The Social Network Directed by: David Fincher Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer, Rooney Mara Running Time: 2 hrs Rating: PG-13 Release Date: October 1, 2010

PLOT: Based on the book "The Accidental Billionaires" by Ben Mezrich. A story about Mark Zuckerberg (Eisenberg), the founder of the social-networking website, Facebook. In creating one of the most popular sites on the Internet, he created some enemies along the way.

Jake's Take on his interview with Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, Armie Hammer and Aaron Sorkin

I don't care what anyone tells you -- Interviewing actors is NOT the hardest job in the world. But, depending on the actor, the job can be made easier and harder -- and the same thing goes for the movie.

Having fallen madly in love with David Fincher's The Social Network at a New York screening the night before interviewing the cast, I flew back to my hotel room and poured over a note pad of questions that I wanted to ask the cast. Of course, only a small fractions of these questions were asked (we're working on a strict four minute interview window here, folks) and an even smaller fraction of those made it into this 15-minute package, but I walked away with a collection of interviews that were made better because I loved the movie and was generally fascinated with the topic.

If you watch any interviewer's pieces closely enough, you can tell which movies they care about and which ones they don't -- I can only hope that these show you that, when it comes to The Social Network, I cared.


October Monthly Movie Preview: 'The Social Network' to 'Saw VII 3D'

Episode 26: The Best of Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider