

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider, Episode 141: The best movies of 2012

0:00-5:00 – Introduction, chit-chat, etc.5:00-40:30 – Our top 10 lists 40:30-47:30 – QOTW: your favorite movies of 2012 47:30-58:10 – Character Casserole: 2012 edition 58:10-1:04:30 – IMDb’s top stars of 2012, which Eric tries to guess 1:04:30-1:06:15 – Wrap-up and goodbyes

Email – moviebspdx@gmail.com Facebook – www.facebook.com/MovieBSpdx Twitter – @moviebs

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About the show …

Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider

Jeff Bayer and Eric D. Snider are movie critics, but not the stuffy, elitist kind. They’re not the idiotic fanboy kind either. So what kind of movie critics are they? The kind with an Internet radio show, that’s what.

“Movie B.S.” features reviews of new films both good and bad, smackdowns of the bad movies of yesteryear, and a plethora of other movie-related features. All of it is tied together by cavalier banter between Bayer and Snider, who noticed that there was a dearth of cavalier banter on the Internet and sought to rectify that.

Bayer's top 10 of 2012:

1. The Cabin in the Woods 2. Cloud Atlas 3. Moonrise Kingdom 4. Skyfall 5. Zero Dark Thirty 6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 7. The Impossible 8. Argo 9. Django Unchained 10. Friends with Kids

Snider's top 10 of 2012:

1. Argo 2. Holy Motors 3. The Cabin in the Woods 4. Beasts of the Southern Wild 5. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 6. Kill List 7. Looper 8. Skyfall 9. Oslo, August 31st 10. Moonrise Kingdom

'The Great Gatsby' starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire - feature trailer review

'To the Wonder' starring Ben Affleck and Rachel McAdams - trailer review