

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Episode 50: Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider - 'Battle LA,' 'Mars Needs Moms' and 'Red Riding Hood'

Your old pals Jeff Bayer and Eric D. Snider are off to Austin for South By Southwest, but that didn’t stop them from delivering a piping-hot new edition of Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider first! All the movies this week are about aliens and monsters and stuff. “Battle Los Angeles” offers good action, too much shaky-cam, and war-movie cliches. “Red Riding Hood” is stupid. “Mars Needs Moms” is flat and lifeless. B & S also play a game of Interquel that gets dark and weird, announce the winners of last week’s propaganda contest, and add a few new agents to the Movie B.S. census. QOTW: What movie alien would you most like to find in your back yard, and why? (Note: No humanoids, e.g., Luke Skywalker.) Send your answers to moviebspdx@gmail.com, or post at facebook.com/moviebspdx. If you’re in Austin for SXSW, keep an eye on Twitter — @MovieBS, @EricDSnider, @BayerJeff — for a meet-up. LISTEN HERE

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About the show …

Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider

Jeff Bayer and Eric D. Snider are movie critics, but not the stuffy, elitist kind. They’re not the idiotic fanboy kind either. So what kind of movie critics are they? The kind with an Internet radio show, that’s what.

“Movie B.S.” features reviews of new films both good and bad, smackdowns of the bad movies of yesteryear, and a plethora of other movie-related features. All of it is tied together by cavalier banter between Bayer and Snider, who noticed that there was a dearth of cavalier banter on the Internet and sought to rectify that.

Episode 51: Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider - 'Limitless,' 'Paul' and SXSW

Box Office Challenge: 'Limitless' 'The Lincoln Lawyer' and 'Paul'