

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

TSR Movie Awards: Best Special Effects in a Film of the Decade (Almost)

The Scorecard Review Movie Awards: Best of the Decade (Almost)

Best Visuals - special effects

2002 - Lord of the Rings: Two Towers 2002 - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 2003 - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 2003 - Matrix Reloaded 2004 - Spider-Man 2 2004 - House of Flying Daggers 2005 - Sin City 2005 - King Kong 2006 - Pan's Labyrinth 2006 - The Fountain 2007 - 300 2007 - Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 2008 - The Dark Knight 2008 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2009 - Avatar 2009 - Star Trek

Every year we select the best in films and let our TSR fans score each and every one. Now it's time to look back. This is just one of 24 categories in The Scorecard Review Movie Awards: Best of the Decade (Almost). The nominations from above are the top two finishers from each year of The Scorecard Review Movie Awards.

TSR Movie Awards: Best Visuals in a Film of the Decade (Almost)

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