The Scorecard Review

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Box Office Review - July 4 - 'The Twilight Saga: Eclispe' and 'Airbender' knock off 'Toy Story'

Box office estimates for the weekend of July 2-4. Rank. Movie Title – Weekend Gross | Theaters | Total Gross | Week #

1. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - $69,000,000 I 4,468 I $161,000,000 I 1 complete Twilight coverage including exclusive interviews, two reviews and a He Said/She Said

2. The Last Airbender - $40,650,000 I 3,169 I $57,000,000 I 1 complete Airbender coverage (including two reviews)

3. Toy Story 3 - $30,174,000 I 4,028 I $289,000,000 I 3 complete Toy Story coverage

4. Grown Ups - $18,500,000 I 3,534 I $77,082,000 I 2 complete Grown-Ups coverage

5. Knight and Day - $10,200,000 I 3,104 I $45,508,000 I 2 complete Knight and Day coverage


It was a good week for vampires. Sure, there were no real releases this Friday, but Eclipse struck gold this past Wednesday. It had the major setback of a big second day drop, but that didn’t stop it from claiming number one this weekend.

However, it seems I underestimated The Last Airbender. It is being hailed by some as one of the worst movies this year. Sure, our own Allen didn’t exactly hate it, but it hasn’t exactly received glowing reviews. Still, that didn’t stop it from coming in number two.

Toy Story 3 sweetens the pot at number three. It’s a bit of a fall for the Pixar flick, but it had its time on top and judging from its intake this weekend, it won’t be leaving the top five anytime soon.

Grown Ups and Knight and Day were both hit the hardest, at fourth and fifth respectively. Despite being only two weeks old, these films are clearly on their way out. It’s too bad, they didn’t really stand much of a chance, but they’ve got plenty to show for it.