With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.
- Do you ever wonder what Lady and the Tramp would have looked like as real dogs? This is now how I imagined them. These two just don't seem to have the chemistry of their animated counterparts.
- Filmbuffet.com offers movie fans a chance to rate movies, then talk about them with their friends and friends of friends. I'm a compulsive list maker so this is right up my alley. Feel free to friend me if you join up.
- The world is crazy about Jean Dujardin since The Artist's wild success. I won't go all hipster saying I've been a fan since the first OSS 117 movie came out (oops, my bad) but I will link to a couple of clips of him doing comedy. He showed up on last week's SNL, not a great episode but I had to share anyway.
- Here he is on Funny Or Die, auditioning for his next big Hollywood role, as a Eurotrash villain. He's so charming, and dreamy.
- Here's your music clip of the week. From Asteroids Galaxy Tour, who I just discovered and I'm really enjoying.