

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

TSR Buzz: Colbert gets political, Rugrats get Real, and Dogs go Star Wars

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • Stephen Colbert's former Super Pac is putting out ads attacking his sort of rivals now that he's maybe running for President of the state of South Carolina. Regardless, this is pretty funny.


  • This film was directed by a friend of mine. I really like the pug off on the side who mostly just leaves a really huge tongue hanging out.


  • What if Rugrats was a live action movie? What if the kids from Arrested Development (minus George Michael) starred in it? How does Alia Shawkat make such a good Chuckie?

  • Betty White is a National Treasure. Even Obama has to acknowledge it. Not that this is terribly funny, but hey, Betty White.


'Moonrise Kingdom' starring Bill Murray, Edward Norton and Bruce Willis - trailer review

Red Tails