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TSR Buzz: Steve Martin's Oscar hosting tips to Eddie Murphy, Jeselnik roasts Sheen, "Nightcall" from 'Drive'

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • Steve Martin, one of the funniest people to follow on Twitter, has written a few suggestions for his Bowfinger co-star and new Oscar host Eddie Murphy. What a guy.

An Open Letter to Eddie Murphy

  • On Monday night, Charlie Sheen was roasted on Comedy Central by the likes of Seth McFarlane, Jeff Ross, and the especially hilarious Anthony Jeselnik. Here's Jeselnik explaining to Sheen how he was able to make it in TV.
The Roast of Charlie Sheen Mon, Sept 19 10/9c
Anthony Jeselnik - Charlie on TV
Comedy Central Funny TV Shows Roast of Charlie Sheen
  • The makers behind Bellflower participated in four "5SecondFilms" a few weeks back. Here's one of the best ones (NSFW).


  • If you saw Drive this weekend like Jeff and I told you to, you're probably still high on that soundtrack. Here's the soundtrack's other great song, "Nightcall," which is just as addictive as College's "A Real Hero" and just as perfect for the movie.


  • Film critic Roger Ebert has finally released his memoir, "Life Itself." Here's a Today Show feature interviewing Ebert about the book and its contents. (Special cameo at 4:05)

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