The Scorecard Review

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TSR Buzz: President Obama Is Funny, 'Geordie Shore,' and The 5-Year-Old Who Wrote 'Fast Five'

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • In honor of this week's biggest achievement - Katy Perry singing Rebecca Black's "Friday" at a show in Australia - here's a video of the historical event.


  • Extreme kudos to the person who allowed Obama to reference "The Lion King" in his speech, followed up with "To all of those at Fox News: that was a joke." Obama has got some excellent delivery - he's not cracking everyone up here just because it's the president telling a few zingers. Also, Trump's trump-age is something to behold itself. Got to love his facial reaction! (Or lack thereof).


  • In even bigger news, pop genius "Weird Al" Yankovic is set to release another batch of brilliant tunes next month, with his hilariously titled album "ALPOCALYPSE." This will be his new single, which is bound to have a wonderful music video. It's a parody of Lady Gaga's "Born this Way" called "Perform This Way," and it offers his continual grade-Al level of brilliance


  • Not only did someone get married, and someone else got shot, but this weekend Fast Five brought in a whole bank vault worth of cash during its opening. If you haven't seen it already, here's the hilarious video of the Onion's interview with the 5-year-old who wrote the film.

Today Now! Interviews The 5-Year-Old Screenwriter Of "Fast Five"

  • I committed a sin last season. A self-professed fan of "Jersey Shore," I must say that I abandoned the show two-thirds in and barely caught a piece of the finale. The drama between Ronnie and Sammi was taken far beyond the level of hilarity, and instead became an uncomfortable source of tension. While I'm not sure if I'll even stick around with "Jersey Shore" (the only TV show I really watch) during its new season in Italy, this introduction to the U.K spinoff, "Geordie Shore," has my spirits fist-pumping. No one looks immediately like a clown school reject, and I'm bound to learn some new slang. Plus, everyone sounds so shy to the camera. Greg looks so ... normal! No idea if I'll be able to watch this show in America, but I'm sure the internet will give me some good memes! At least, it better. I'm excited to make parallels between the cast members, and to hear people from Geordie Shore complain about being misrepresented in the process, etc.
