The Scorecard Review

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TSR Buzz: Animatronic Nightmares, Carny Bank Robbers and Banksy Speaks

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • I've put up quite a few SNL clips since I started writing TSR Buzz so I'm trying to cool it a little.  But this clip is so funny!  When I went to Disney World as a kid, I was disturbed by the animatronic creatures, depending on the exhibit.  The creepiest was the Hall of Presidents, where the animatronics were so old that they creaked louder than the Presidents spoke.  My nightmare involves being stuck in there at night, all alone.  I don't know whose been reading my mind but this sketch, featuring the rubber faces of Jim Carrey and Bill Hader will feed many nightmares to come.

  • Sometimes I want to watch TV but I get sad that there aren't enough carnies.  Thank you NBC for answering my prayers!  The new show The Cape wants to be a superhero show, but it's the weirdness that makes it interesting.  Mostly the fact that he's rescued and taught to be a hero by a group of carny bank robbers in steampunk clothing.  Also James Frain plays a supervillain named Chess with crazy eyes.  Remember him?  He was the charmingly psychotic vampire who had a thing for Tara on True Blood last season.  The show still has some issues, the hero's a little bland and he has a wife and son that drag down the action.  But maybe it will be good.

  • If you saw Exit Through the Gift Shop, you may have wondered whether the character of Thierry Guetta and his Mister Brainwash persona were real or part of a Banksy prank.  In this interview, Banksy says it was all real.  Personally, I remember seeing one of his works shown in the film in 2009.  Here's a pic.
  • La Blogotheque brings music to the streets, and other unusual places for a full band.  Here, Beirut perform in a cafe full of surprised patrons.
