The Scorecard Review

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Would Michael Bay, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence all be in for Bad Boys 3?

Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do if they come for you? A script for Bad Boys 3 is apparently in the works. Columbia Pictures has hired Peter Craig to write the screenplay that would extend the franchise according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The third Bad Boys is going to be a tough sell unless they can bring back Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as the adventurous pair of Miami detectives, Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett. Ideally the studio would also like to see the return of director Michael Bay and producer Jerry Bruckheimer but gathering all these ingredients will be no easy feat.

Since the release of the first Bad Boys film in 1995, those involved in the project have gained a bit more fame, especially Smith and Bay. Paying salaries alone could eat up most of the budget. The first and second films domestically grossed $65 million and $138 million respectively; these are a far cry from the type of numbers put up by Bay's Transformers films or Smith's I Am Legend.

Money issues aside, all parties would consider returning if the story works. So, it's up to Peter Craig whose name you may recognize as a writer on Ben Affleck's The Town due to start shooting this month. No pressure buddy.

Source: Hollywood Reporter