The Scorecard Review

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Outrage Directed by: Kirby Dick Running Time: 1 hr 30 min Rating: R Release Date: June 17, 2009

PLOT: A documentary that looks at closeted government officials who support the strongest anti-gay legislation.

WHO'S IT FOR? Unfortunately, there's a big gap between Who's It For and Who Will See It when it comes to documentaries. Anyone who loves a good documentary will find Outrage incredibly well-done; but people who love documentaries are not the people who actually NEED to see the film.

EXPECTATIONS: Bayer said he thought it was a comedy. I had my Ha Ha hat on and my Bucket of Popped Giggles at the ready.


TALKING: There is a perfect blend of really intelligent narrative juxtaposed against history, be it television clips, newspaper articles, or audio recordings. Everyone interviewed has something incredible to say and some of the observations are so enlightening, the film is actually chocked full of "a-ha" type moments. The other strong point is that it doesn't pull any punches when it comes to getting the story out. Score: 9

SIGHTS: I love documentaries so much, I should probably just make it official and marry them, already. One of the reasons for this love affair is that it's like having an amazing conversation with incredibly smart people, but with changing scenery and tons of visual aids. Outrage is extremely well put together in its edit and its flow. It's also unsentimental in its message, which is so important. If a documentary comes off as too emotional, it can stray into hysterics. Score: 10

SOUNDS: The score was really ponderous and serious. It reminded me of the excellent score from The Corporation, another fantastic documentary. Both films do not advocate any sense of playfulness or flippantry via the seriousness of the score, which is supremely effective given the motive. Right away, through the sounds and severed images at the beginning, you know this movie isn't d*cking around, so don't waste its time. Score: 9


BEST SCENE: Any scene with Barney Frank.

ENDING: Disturbing. You want society all fixed up by the time the film winds down, and it's still such a stupid, pointless mess.

QUESTIONS: A few overarching ones about human nature and huge societal flaws, but it would take way too long.

REWATCHABILITY: Definitely. I can take off my Ha Ha Hat and put on my serious one.


This film gives me a glimpse into something that isn't my reality, but the reality for a lot of other people. I have no idea what it's like to have the conservative government constantly fighting to limit my rights and vilify my lifestyle when I'm not hurting anyone. And to then realize that a surprising number of people behind those ignorant, hateful laws are actually gay themselves, it's like living in a nastier, crazier world and I already thought the world was pretty nutty. The closest I can come to putting myself in those shoes is to imagine a world where women just aren't allowed and if a woman wants to go into government, she has to pretend to be a man who hates women; and I still feel like I'm light-years away from even knowing how it feels even a little.

Outrage is a phenomenal documentary and at least it goes on the record. So much of this is buried by the "standard" media, that without someone standing up and getting loud, it would be like it didn't really exist for most of us. And when it does exist, it's a painful public scandal for someone that is picked apart by buzzards for its train-wreck entertainment value, and then swept away without any meager attempts at change.

I personally feel that everyone should see this movie, for the mental health of our future generations. The true moral disease is that our society has set it up so that talented lawmakers have to adopt someone else's hateful perspective and then make laws that affect everyone based on that warped mindset. It screws us all, when we need people in the government thinking only of how to improve our society and our country, instead of worrying about living up to some idiotic "ideal." Exceptionally well done.