The Scorecard Review

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The Scorecard Review Movie Awards: Best of the Decade (Almost)

The Scorecard Review Movie Awards: Best of the Decade (Almost)

The Dark Knight, Meryl Streep, Wall-E, Johnny Depp, Brokeback Mountain, George Clooney, There Will Be Blood ... they're all here.

Every year we select the best in films and let our TSR fans score each and every one. Now it's time to look back.

Why (Almost)? It's not actually a decade. I started these movie awards under a different name (The j Awards) eight years ago. It began with an excel spreadsheet, friends and a lot of pestering. Now going forward, the TSR Best of the Decade, will mirror the actual decade.

Why now? Everyone has already done their "Best of the Decade" lists. They don't have perspective. Now that I've waited more than half a year, now we can probably judge 2010 films with the rest of them. Plus, we've made some great upgrades to our website and I wanted to show them off.

There are some categories (Documentary & Best Cameo) that haven't existed every year, and that's why some years are missing.

How to vote - Each category will have the first and second place finishers from each year. Pick one. I know this is different then the usual scoring system. Different is OK.

Look for The 9th Annual TSR Movie Awards in February 2011.

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