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TSR Buzz: Aliens on Ice, Coogan vs. Partridge and a porcupine eating corn

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • In what is probably the most inspired film to live theater transition ever, a theater in Austin put on a production of Aliens on Ice a couple weeks ago. Yes, it is in reference to the Ridley Scott film, yes it sounds amazing.


  • Office peeps just can't stop making viral videos. Here, Leslie David Baker (aka Stanley) launches his hip hop career with a video highlighting the ladies.


  • Steve Coogan's Alan Partridge character is very popular in England, I'm a fan myself despite not always getting all the references. A British magazine put together clips from a talk show Coogan was on discussing the News of the World scandal with clips from his show, and it's pretty hilarious.


  • I've seen this all over Facebook recently, Ellen Degeneres reacting to a preview for a new TLC show called The Virgin Diaries. I did laugh out loud at this one.


  • Finally, I give you a porcupine eating corn.
