The Scorecard Review

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TSR Buzz: Dave Chappelle emerges, More Arrested Development rumors and a Muppet covers album

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • Dave Chappelle gave his first interview in five years... to a wacky morning radio show. But it's still great to hear him. I miss you Dave.


  • Have the plot details from the upcoming Arrested Development movie been leaked? Screenrant believes they have. It sounds like a pretty cool idea so it could be true.
  • It's almost September, which means it's about time for a new season of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia! This clip has the gang talking about how fat Mac has become.


  • Finally, after what seems like forever Ladytron has a new album on the way! They're playing at the Wonder Ballroom in Portland on September 27th, until then here's a video for "White Elephant" to tide us over.
