Directed by: Ric Roman Waugh
Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Susan Sarandon, Jon Bernthal, Barry Pepper
Running Time: 1 hr 52 mins
Rating: PG-13
Release Date: February 22, 2013
PLOT: A father (Johnson) goes undercover for the DEA, trying to free his son from a prison sentence related to a drug deal.
There are plenty of things that would overwhelm us in the real world. Winning $100,000, hitting the game-winning shot, or going to prison for 10 years are great examples of that. If you're watching a movie, none of those things would shock you, except perhaps that the stakes are so low. That's the main problem Snitch has going against it, the stakes. Unfortunately the dialogue, cinematography and casting also hurt the film.
John's son (Rafi Gavron) faces 10 years in prison. Maybe his kid isn't evil, but he definitely falls into the category of being a dumb kid who makes a stupid choice. The film never gives us a chance to truly care about Jason, only John's compassion. This is the story of an ordinary father, willing to go to incredible lengths, to try and reduce his son's sentence. Even if it means putting himself, his second wife, and their young daughter at risk. Remember when I said "ordinary father"? Does Dwayne Johnson come to mind when you think "ordinary"? Put Kevin Costner in this role and the dynamic completely changes, or maybe Matt Damon. You need an average Joe, and that's not Johnson. Average Joe's aren't better known by their nickname (The Rock). This brawn doesn't fit. He never even throws a punch in the film.
"There are rules, you can't do that." That's what Keeghan (Surandon) says to John, or something very close to that. I never felt like I fully understood the rules. Unfortunately, while they under-explain the rules, they belabor every other point in the film. Clichés like, "There's nothing we can do," and "There's no other choice," quickly prove to be wrong in the film, as John takes insane risks, and eventually proves there are some over-the-top choices that can be changed.
The cinematography desperately tries to create action in a near actionless movie. Severe close-ups, and cut-aways don't help scenes that wholly consist of looking through a stack of resumes, or moving a truck from point A to point B. It also definitely has SCS (Shaky Camera Syndrome) when it comes to its two action scenes (one being very short). While Snitch never falls into being truly bad, there aren't any really good moments worth mentioning. Once a henchmen scans something over John's body, and informs him his cell phone no longer works. Not even Michael K. Williams (Omar from "The Wire") can help as one of the villains.
It's a film that just kept missing the mark in visuals, dialogues and most importantly with its choice of leading man. Sorry to be the one to tell you, Snitch isn't worth your time.