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Mad Money

Plot: When Bridget (Diane Keaton) learns her husband (Ted Danson) is on the verge of losing their lifestyle, she slowly plots a scheme to get some extra cash. At her new job Bridget enlists the help of Nina (Queen Latifah) and Jackie (Katie Holmes) to rob the Federal Reserve Bank. Who’s it for: You really need to be a big fan of Keaton or Latifah to look past the flaws of this lackluster caper.

Expectations: Well, January films have a history of being disappointing, almost like studios are just trying to get rid of them. Plus, Keaton has lost that spark since 2003’s “Something’s Gotta Give.”

SCORECARD Actors: Diane Keaton as Bridget: Bridget states crime is contagious, and normally movies have a way to make it look fun as well, but that’s not the case here.  It’s almost like Keaton has forgotten how to pick a decent role. Perhaps she can talk to Steve Martin about another “Father of the Bride.” Grade: 4

Queen Latifah as Nina: Nina is supposed to be the moral center since she has kids, but things get messy when her sudden goal becomes getting laid by the security guard. Grade: 4

Katie Holmes as Jackie: I’m not ready to hate Holmes just because she is married to Tom Cruise. After all, she was amazing in “Wonder Boys,” so I believe she has talent. Here’s the problem, Jackie is dumb and the way we know this is because Holmes is bug-eyed the entire time. That’s it, that’s the whole performance. Grade: 2

Talking: Latifah says, “Victoria never had this secret,” as she is stuffing cash down her clothes. That is just one example of forced lines that don’t come off funny at all. The most creative angle of “Mad Money” is Bridget’s husband, Don (Danson), still wanting a job even though they are rolling in money. Grade: 2

Sights and sounds: With Jackie being the free spirit who dances around the office, it would have been great time for some good music. That’s not the case with “Mad Money,” and eventually this movie comes down to the execution of the planned crime. It’s interesting, but quickly becomes repetitive. Grade: 5

OVERALL Comedy is difficult, but it seems like “Mad Money” didn’t even try. It’s very hard to find the jokes. There is one scene with Ted Danson and Diane Keaton that clearly works, with this upper-class woman acting the criminal with a shocked Danson trying to figure out her new personality. But the heart of the film is supposed to be these three different women coming together and you never feel the bond. Money can buy you happiness as “Mad Money” states, but if you see this film you’re probably going to want a refund.

Overall Grade: 3

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