DVD Review
The Proposal
Directed by: Anne Fletcher Cast: Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Mary Steenburgen, Craig T. Nelson, Betty White, Malin Akerman Running Time: 1 hr 44 mins Rating: PG-13 Due Out: October 13, 2009
PLOT: Margaret (Bullock) is going to get deported back to Canada, that is until she comes up with an idea … marry her assistant (Reynolds). Now the two are off to Alaska to meet his family, to try and prove this is a real engagement and they’re very much in love. What could go wrong? Answer: many things.
WHO'S IT FOR? If you are blinded by the romantic comedy genre then line up, but the film depends a little too much on awkward situations revolving around Bullock, than any sort of romantic connection between the two leads.
MOVIE: Margaret is an ice queen. Everyone in the office walks on egg shells around her and she’s not to be messed with. Bullock pulls this off great, which is surprising because I can’t recall seeing this side of her before. The problem is, the film’s jokes really depend on fish-out-of-water laughs, or in this case, tightly-wound-business-executive-in-Alaska.
Margaret’s main goal is to get a visa so she can stay in this country and not get deported to Canada. It’s a movie device that feels way too overused, but that’s not the unbelievable part. It’s the fact that Margaret remains mean to the one person willing to help her. Through most of Andrew’s (Reynolds) actions, it makes sense that he’s not interested, but instead repulsed by Margaret. He sees a chance to get a promotion and takes advantage.
A romantic comedy needs the two leads together on the screen, not separated at a strip club, dealing with a cute dog or trying on a dress.
Alternative Ending (with optional commentary by director Anne Fletcher and writer Peter Chiarelli): Funny, the original ending had the two leads separated again. Andrew and Margaret get back together over the phone. It's only six minutes long, but it feels draining. The basic ending they went with works ... better. The commentary lets us in that Bullock plays hurt.
Set Antics - Outtakes and Other Absurdities from The Proposal: It's proof that they had a good time shooting this movie, and if they're not laughing, they're dancing on the set. Reynolds steals the outtakes show. It's six minutes of then.
Feature Audio Commentary - with director Anne Fletcher and writer Peter Chiarelli Deleted scenes (with optional commentary by director Anne Fletcher and writer Peter Chiarelli): Sneak Peaks - Legend of the Seeker, Cheri, 10 Things I Hate About You, Lost: The Fifth Season, Old Dogs, Everybody's Fine
Hmm... did you notice the trend of the DVD extras? Anne Fletcher and Peter Chiarelli are front and center. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are no where to be seen. Heck, even the normally funny (not so much here) Betty White would have been a rare treat on the audio commentary.