The Scorecard Review

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Box Office Review: 'True Grit' takes the reins from 'Little Fockers'

Box office estimates for the weekend of January 7-9 Rank. Movie Title – Weekend Gross | Theaters | Total Gross | Week # … [The Scorecard Review final score] 1. True Grit - $15,000,000 I 3,124 I $110,430,000 I 3... [TSR 9/10] 2. Little Fockers - $13,781,000 I 3,675 I $123,982,000 I 3... [TSR 2/10] 3. Season of the Witch - $10,726,000 I 2,816 I $10,726,000 I 1... [TSR 4/10] 4. Tron Legacy - $9,803,000 I 3,013 I $147,925,000 I 4... [TSR 8/10] 5. Black Swan - $8,350,000 I 1,584 I $61,455,000 I 6... [TSR 9/10] Source:

TSR's complete Film Review Database

Well, it was a good weekend for the Coen brothers, finally making it to that number one spot that they so richly deserved.

Of course, that meant bad news for Ben Stiller, but really, after making us sit through 3 movies from the Meet the Parents franchise, I'm okay delivering some bad news to Mr. Stiller. Still, a slip to number two doesn't mean Little Fockers is guaranteed to disappear any time soon.

Season of the Witch managed to spook up some serious cash, considering its almost universally abhorred status amongst most critics, including our very own Jeff Bayer. Nicolas Cage's latest paycheck may not last long, but it's already doing better than I thought it would so that's gotta say something.

TRON: Legacy is slowly falling out of favor. It seems the holiday buzz as done all it can to keep this one alive, but after slipping to number four, it might be time to give up hope.

Finally, Black Swan crept in to the top five this week. Who knows if it's all the Oscar buzz or Portman's recently confirmed status as a MILF to be that catapulted this movie from ninth at the box office to number five, but whatever it was, fans of the Golden Globe nominated movie will be happy to hear it made the top five after six weeks.