

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Box Office Review - August 2, 2009 - Funny People - WINS

WEEKEND TOP 5 STUDIO ESTIMATES, JULY 31-August 2, 2009 Rank. Movie Title - Weekend Gross | Theaters | Total Gross | Week #

1. Funny People - $23.4 million | 3,008 | $23.4 million | 1 ... (Jeff Bayer's TSR - 8/10)

2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (TSR - 8/10) - $17.7 million | 4,393 | $255.5 million | 3

3. G-Force - $17.1 million | 3,697 | $66.5 million | 2

4. The Ugly Truth - $13.0 million | 2,882 | $54.5 million | 2

5. Aliens in the Attic - $7.8 million | 3,106 | $7.8 million | 1

Funny People wins but doesn't dominate. It's not up to the box office standards of a typical Adam Sandler movie, or some of Apatow's previous work like 40-Year-Old Virgin. But here's the thing. It's good. So go see it. That's it.

Aliens in the Attic couldn't crack the kid market, with Harry Potter and the rodents holding on to those higher spots.

Next week ... what wins? G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra or Julie & Julia? Seems like the action movie is the no-brainer. We'll have to wait and see how many screens they are opening up on to give the final word.

Source: www.boxofficemojo.com

Adam - Interview with director Max Mayer

August 2009 Monthly Movie Preview