The Scorecard Review

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Box Office Review - July 19, 2009 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - WINS

WEEKEND TOP 5 STUDIO ESTIMATES, JULY 17-19, 2009 Rank. Movie Title - Weekend Gross | Theaters | Total Gross | Week #

1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $79.5 million | 4,325 | $159.7 million | 1

2. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - $17.7 million | 3,817 | $152.0 million | 3

3. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - $13.8 million | 3,857 | $363.9 million | 4

4. Bruno - $8.4 million | 2,759 | $49.6 million | 2

5. The Hangover - $8.3 million | 2,667 | $235.9 million | 7


Not only did Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince win the box office this week, but it deserves one of these ... Harry F-ing Potter! It's getting better with age.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix grossed about $139 million in its first five days, about $20 million behind the new one.

Bruno and whatever social impact it was hoping to have is not necissarlily forgotten, but if you were working on your Bruno accent to be the big hit at some summer grill-outs ... think again. Borat finished up at $128 million. Bruno won't.