The Scorecard Review

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TSRn: Tom Hardy's Four New Flicks including 'The Dark Knight Rises'

The Scorecard Review news

News: The Warrior doesn't come out until tomorrow but already Tom Hardy's been picked as a star to watch. He has four upcoming projects, including a role in next year's Batman 3. Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Thoughts by TSR: The Hollywood Reporter states that Inception was Hardy's breakout role, and to most people it probably was, but Hollywood initially took notice of Hardy in Bronson. He gives an incredible performance in the film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn (director of this month's Drive). Of the upcoming films, the most exciting is the Nick Cave scripted The Wettest County in the World. I really liked Cave's The Proposition. Plus the cast also includes Guy Pearce and Mia Wasikowska. This time next year, Hardy may be a huge star. Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Spy is based on the book by John le Carre, and stars Gary Oldman. There's also This Means War with Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine. The biggest at the box office will be The Dark Knight Rises where Hardy will play the villain Bane.