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Things fans missed in 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon'

Let's just see how big your fandom stretches for Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. Director Chris Weitz has come up with '10 Things You Didn't Know About The Twilight Saga: New Moon. That's right. Weitz hid some things in the film. We have a couple of the nuggets here for you. For the rest you'll have to pick up a copy of Entertainment Weekly, or the Twilight Saga iPhone App. Plus, then you'll have to see the movie again. I see I'm not really twisting your arm with that idea.

Again, these are straight from the director's mouth.

On Friday, Entertainment Weekly will have 5 exclusive facts from Chris' list. Two of the five include the following:

-- Hidden wolves - Look for an upside-down engraving of a wolf in the shot of the bowl in which Carlisle burns his first aid equipment; on Jacob’s t-shirt when he meets Bella in the school parking lot for the first time; and a wolf trinket on the dream-catcher that he gives her.

-- We did a little trick when Edward gets out of Bella's truck and they're arguing. We wanted to show Edward moving impossibly quickly, so we put Rob right next to the camera but out of sight, and used a double dressed like Rob in the driver's seat. When Edward gets out, it's the double, and then Rob steps in front of the camera and it looks as if he's got there faster than humanly possible.

Now available, THE TWILIGHT SAGA iPhone Application will have an additional 5 exclusive facts from Chris' list. Two of these five facts include the following:

-- You can see Volterra’s tower and the red-cloaked revelers from the festival of San Marco on the cover of Bella’s copy of Romeo and Juliet when she wakes up in her bedroom.

-- In the wolf-fight, we purposely knocked over the camera when the wolves tumble towards it; you can also hear the microphone thumping, as if an actual on-set animal had run into the camera and boom.