With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.
- If you're going to see Drive this weekend, the new movie with Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan, let me save you a couple of seconds of your life afterward by posting this link. You'll be listening to this song for at least a couple days straight. College featuring Electric Youth - "A Real Hero"
- Joining the ranks of Snooki and Mr. Bill, the Winklevoss Twins (you know, from that "Facebook Movie") have finally made a commercial in which they talk about cracking pistachios, and make a Winkle wink at Zuckerberg.
- For those who are fans of video compilations that are the product of movie geekdom and too much time on Final Cut, here's a grade-A video of cinematic walking scenes.
- The 10th anniversary of 9/11 was just last Sunday. While the anniversary once again brought out sincere patriotism across the country, it also fueled the idiot-rages of these dimwits. A moment of silence for their stupidity.
The 25 Most Un-American Responses to 9/11 Anniversary
- Want to know what Clint Eastwood thinks of gay marriage?