

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

TSR Buzz: 'FNL', Funny or Die, and More Batman Speculation

With TSR Buzz, you’ll find links to articles, videos and other random things that will help you waste your time just a little bit more.

  • I don't know if anybody shares my love of Friday Night Lights but I seriously can't get enough. Not even kidding, I finished four seasons in a month and a half. I lied to myself and said it would come in handy for one of my grad school classes, but who am I kidding? Anyway, last week marked the beginning of the end. For those with DirecTV, the second episode of the final season is tonight. For those who are forced to wait, here's a promo to hold you over.


  • Then again, I don't want people thinking I've gone legitimate all of a sudden. I've also got a fun time waster for you here. Do you ever watch movies on TV and hear a line that you could have sworn you heard differently when you saw it in theaters? You're not the only one. It's a well known fact that some movies have to be edited down to be on cable, but check out some of these ridiculous examples. (NSFW or at least use headphones)

The Most Ridiculous Edited-for-TV Movie Lines

  • In a day and age where "voter apathy" seems to be the name of the game, it's good to see that some people still care. I know after watching this video, I felt I knew enough about the issues to make an educated choice on prop 19! I guess not being a California resident is only a small problem...

Vote No on Prop 19 From a Drug Dealer

  • Talk of the new Batman movie is overflowing the interwebz! Nolan's unveiled the title of the new flick The Dark Knight Rises (however lackluster it may be) but he's still keeping a whole lot under wraps. Check out what EW's Doc Jensen has to say about matters!

Who will be Batman's next movie nemesis?

  • Finally, being a writer and having a web presence (no matter how limited it may be) is that every so often, I get a chance to sort through some of the links that friends of mine will send me, and I stumble upon something that looks legitimately good. It's not much to look at so far, but keep an eye out for more from Chuck and Pocono Dave.

Chuck and Pocono Dave - Trailer from Sandy Paras on Vimeo.

'Sucker Punch' starring Emily Browning - trailer review

For Colored Girls