

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Nine - interviews with Daniel Day Lewis, Judi Dench and Sophia Loren

Daniel Day Lewis can act. Now we find out if he can sing in Rob Marshall's Nine. If you don't know the story ... Famous film director Guido Contini (Day Lewis) struggles with what his new film will be about. Plus, his personal life is in turmoil as well with his wife, his mistress, the press and his lead actress all vying for his attention as well. This is based on the Broadway musical about acclaimed director Federico Fellini's film 8 1/2.

He's joined with a slew of women. Two of which are legendary. Judi Dench plays his costume designer and Sophia Loren is his mother. Below, the three actors talk about their roles in the film.

Daniel Day Lewis who plays who plays Guido Contini.

Judi Dench who plays Lilli

Sophia Loren who plays Mama

Nine - interviews with Penelope Cruz, Marion Cottilard, Kate Hudson, Nicole Kidman and Fergie
