

This is Jeff Bayer, and I don't update this site very often. If you'd like to listen to my current movie podcast you can find it at MovieBS.com.

Love Happens interviews with Jennifer Aniston, Aaron Eckhart and Dan Fogler

Love Happens (opens 9/18) stars Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart ... Rachel and Two-Face. It's set in the Northwest (Seattle, not Portland) and it tells the tale of a widower who writes a book about coping with his loss and suddenly that turns him into a best-selling self-help guru. He meets a woman (Aniston) at a seminar, and old feeling about his wife make it a struggle to fall for the potential new lady in his life.

Listen to what Aniston, Eckhart and Dan Fogler have to say about the film, their characters and this not being a typical love story ... I wonder if a movie has ever dared say, "This is a typical love story, enjoy!"

Jennifer Aniston --

Aaron Eckhart --

Dan Fogler --

List of winners at Venice Film Festival

Zombieland - Rules on how to survive - videos