Hall of Fame Actresses?9th Annual TSR Movie Awards
Each year, two actresses, actors and films get added to the Scorecard Hall of Fame. You can only vote for one, but the top two in each category will be inducted.
NOMINATIONS Glenn Close Kathleen Turner Holly Hunter Barbara Streisand Angelina Jolie Michelle Pfieffer Julie Christie Renee Zellwegger Vanessa Redgrave Sally Field
Actresses currently in the Hall of Fame Julie Andrews, Cate Blanchett, Judi Dench, Audrey Hepburn, Diane Keaton, Nicole Kidman, Helen Mirren, Frances McDormand, Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streep, Jodie Foster, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts and Kate Winslet
This is just one of the categories in the 9th Annual TSR Movie Awards. Categories range from the typical (Best Overall Cast, Best Actor, Best Film) to the atypical (Best Ending, Best Quote, Funniest).
If you have seen two movies or 200, it doesn't matter. You only vote for the films you have seen.
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