The Scorecard Review

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Eagle Eye

Eagle EyeDirected by: D.J. Caruso Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan, Billy Bob Thornton, Rosario Dawson Time: 1 hr 50 mins. Rating: PG-13

Plot: Jerry (LaBeouf) and Rachel (Monaghan) are complete strangers thrown into a life or death situation by a mysterious phone call from a woman. She pushes them both into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move.

Who’s It For? Action freaks and perhaps the younger crowd that won't look too closely at all the leaps and bounds, but instead focus on the concept that big brother is watching.

Expectations: Maybe it's too much to ask for more than mindless action, but with Thornton and LaBeouf on board I was expecting big things, like I was getting one more summer action film even though it's the fall.


Actors: Shia LaBeouf as Jerry: For the first time in a long time, they kind of pulled off the whole twins thing. Very early on, Jerry's twin is killed in an accident. There's always that hint of curiosity with if he's connected to all of the insane paths Jerry is forced to take. Eagle Eye needs to be a smaller scale. And since it's THE big twist of the film, I will just refer to the bad guys as The Enemy. The Enemy is revealed too early and there are too many times where Jerry shouldn't or couldn't continue. This is LaBeouf's second time with Caruso directing (Disturbia), and that film was insular enough where we had a chance to connect and feel nervous right along with LaBeouf. Score: 5

Michelle Monaghan as Rachel: The connection between Rachel and Jerry is never convincing. Each time they have "a moment" the film drags. I understand a mom will go to great lengths for her children, but I think The Enemy expected way too much out of her. If you want to see Monaghan with a good script watch Gone Baby Gone or Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Clearly she's at her best when the title repeats a word. Score: 4

Rosario Dawson as Zoe Perez: I'm trying to figure out if this character was needed at all. I swear, I'm not a woman hater, I'm just trying to figure out if Zoe adds any insight to this new technology world. Her tangle with The Enemy at the end held no edge-of-your-seat moments at all. Score: 3

Billy Bob Thornton as Agent Thomas Morgan: The first half of the film, when Thornton is channeling Tommy Lee Jones from The Fugitive, it works, especially when he is barking out orders at his men. Unfortunately there is a second half. Score: 4

Talking: Again, this is the screaching halt of Eagle Eye. When Jerry and Rachel aren't running, they are talking about her son or his brother. Neither of these subjects add any heart to the film and it just shows the plot of this film is just an excuse to be chased. Score: 3

Sights & Sounds: A great intro with advanced army technology, two mind-jarring car chases, and a consistent showing of great special effects save this film. Score: 7


Best Scene: The car chases are huge and seeing the computer technology in action is interesting, but the best is between Agent Morgan and Jerry, when Jerry and the audience are still in complete confusion with what is going.

Ending: I bet this film is the product of test screenings. There must be two or three different versions of the ending, and they went with the most Disney'esque one they could find.

Questions: There really only needs to be one question asked ... Considering the computer program is all about percentages, how is it possible that this is the best chance for assassination attempts on government figures?

Rewatchability: I can already see myself accidentally watching this some night starting at 11:30 when it hits cable. And I can tell you right now, I regret that decision, but it was inevitable.

OVERALL It's a poor man's 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Fugitive. I actually feel a little dirty naming those two when talking about this one. I'm sure the director and screenwriters can talk endlessly about how it could happen, but not for one second does it feel real or intelligent. LaBeouf proves he can be a leading man in an action film but just barely. Technology is taking over our world, but this isn't the film to properly showcase it, just like The Net wasn't the right one to inform us on the dangers of the Internet. You know those electronic signs in the theater that let you know the movie title and time it starts? Hopefully yours will read "WAIT UNTIL DVD."


Score: 4/10