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DVD Review - Grace Kelly Collection

Blu-ray Review Grace Kelly Collection

Due Out: July 28, 2014

WHO'S IT FOR? Not just Grace Kelly fans, but those looking to own some of the best suspense movies ever made (To Catch a Thief and Dial M for Murder), along with other Hollywood classics.


The Grace Kelly biopic starring Nicole Kidman awaits release after its presentation at the past Cannes Film Festival, but now a DVD boxset has been released to allow movie lovers to remember the actress for her past work, including the directors she worked for (John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock), and the stars she worked with.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment remembers one of Hollywood's most glamorous film stars with the debut of the "Grace Kelly Collection." Included in the set are six films which have never all been in the same box set before. The set also includes one particularly special feature, a rarely seen TV interview titled "Princess Grace de Monaco: A Moment in Time." The interview was conducted by Pierre Salinger less than ten days before her passing. Included along with this set of Grace Kelly movies is a set of art cards, photos, and other memorabilia. Certainly not a bad snag at all considering its street price, which is listed as 35 bucks. But who could put an exact price on the cat-and-mouse chemistry between Kelly and Cary Grant in the gorgeous To Catch a Thief, or the excitement in owning one of Hitchcock's best works, Dial M for Murder?

And remember, with a DVD pack like this you're not just getting movies with Kelly in them, but her co-stars as well. For this collection, that includes Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby (High Society), William Holden (The Country Girl, Jean Harlow (Mogambo), Cary Grant (To Catch a Thief) and more.

This is a DVD collection that comes with some weight in gold, as it includes Kelly's first Oscar-winning role (The Country Girl), along with films that won Oscars for such achievements as "Best Film Editing" (The Bridges of Toko-Ri). 


Dial M for Murder, with two featurettes

High Society, featuring a newsreel and "Millionaire Droopy" among other specials

To Catch a Thief, featuring a commentary by Peter Bogdanovich, along with four special features from a previous release of the same film

Mogambo, which features a theatrical trailer of the film

The Country Girl

The Bridges of Toko-Ri, which features a theatrical trailer of the film