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Best Quote in a Film from 2011? Vote Now — 10th TSR Movie Awards

10th Annual TSR Movie Awards

Best Quote Nominations

"Why cookie Rocket?" Maurice (Karin Konoval) - RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." Aibeleen Clark (Viola Davis) - THE HELP "Paradise? Paradise can go f**k itself." Matt King (George Clooney) - THE DESCENDANTS "You want a toothpick?" Driver (Ryan Gosling) - DRIVE "If you've ever wondered where your dreams come from, you look around... this is where they're made." Georges Méliès (Ben Kingsley) - HUGO "No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure." Ernest Hemingway (Corey Stall) - MIDNIGHT IN PARIS "50/50, if you were a casino game you'd have the best odds." Kyle (Seth Rogen) - 50/50 "He hit a home run and didn't even realize it." Peter Brand (Jonah Hill) - MONEYBALL "With pleasure." George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) - THE ARTIST "You're good here." Mavis Geary (Charlize Theron) - YOUNG ADULT "Your wife cheated on you because you lost sight of who you are as a man, as a husband and probably as a lover." - Jacob Palmer (Ryan Gosling) - CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE. "Maniacal laugh ... Maniacal laugh." Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) - THE MUPPETS "Why can't you be happy for me and then go home and talk about me behind my back like a normal person?" Lillian (Maya Rudolph) - BRIDESMAIDS "I'd like to bend her over a barrel and show her the fifty states." Kurt (Jason Sudekis) - HORRIBLE BOSSES

This is just one of the categories in the 10th Annual TSR Movie Awards. Categories range from the typical (Best Overall Cast, Best Actor, Best Film) to the atypical (Best Ending, Best Quote, Funniest).

If you have seen two movies or 200, it doesn’t matter. You only vote for the films you have seen.